LUCA : Lecture “Initiating a Cooperative”; 19.03.25 at 18:30 at LUCA

Can architects contribute to solving the housing crisis? This is what the example of the Kooperative Grossstadt eG shows us.
Founded in 2015 by 16 people, architects have been part of its board of directors since the beginning. Since then, the cooperative has realized two residential projects — San Riemo and Freihampton — and two more projects are currently in planning. Join us to explore the specific framework conditions and basis that led to the emergence of this new player in the Munich housing market.
This lecture is organised by LUCA as part of the ‘Our New Housing – An Invitation to Cooperate’ exhibition.
Markus Sowa – Born in 1973, he was trained as a carpenter and has professional experience in the field. After studying architecture in Munich and Zurich, he worked for Ernst Niklaus Fausch Partner and Meili, Peter & Partner Architekten. He is a co-founder and board member of the Kooperative Grossstadt. Since the start of the first project, San Riemo, he has worked as a project manager and managing director for the cooperative.
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