OAI at MIPIM 2018 : architectour.lu + laix.lu; Luxembourg, an intelligent laboratory for holistic and resilient concepts in sustainable construction

The OAI will be present at MIPIM 2018 in Cannes on the booth of the Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg with 3 highlights.
1. Book / Web / Film : 3rd edition of architectour.lu
architectour.lu has established itself as the leading guide to contemporary architecture, engineering, and urban development in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
It contributes to the promotion as part of the “Luxembourg – Let’s Make it Happen” campaign on www.inspiringluxembourg.lu and www.visitluxembourg.com websites.
The book will be available at MIPIM 2018 and can be downloaded on www.architectour.lu.
2. Book / Web / Film : “Design First, Build Smart” www.laix.lu Luxembourg Architectes Ingénieurs-conseils eXport
The focus lies firstly on projects dealing with contextual issues realized worldwide.
Secondly the publication shows the know-how from OAI members in certified ecological buildings in Luxembourg.
Besides the printed matter, the collected data is available online, www.laix.lu.
3. MIPIM Awards 2018
2 projects located in Luxembourg are among the finalists of the MIPIM Awards 2018.
The winners will be announced on Thursday 15 March, 2018.
Check www.mipimawards.com for details.