Uni.lu : application open for the Master in Architecture at the University of Luxembourg

The Master in Architecture at the University of Luxembourg invites applicants who have received a Bachelor in architecture from Universities within or outside the EU.
The requirement for the Master is a three-year study programme in architecture covering in principle 180 ECTS, or equivalent. Post-graduates in architecture are welcome to apply too.
The programme has a registration fee of 500€ per semester. The language of instruction is English. The programme is full-time, two-year and starts every winter semester.
Applications for European candidates:
Online-application: 13.01- 26.06.2020
Submission of paper documents: by 03.07.2020
Applications for non-European candidates:
Online-application: 31.01.- 11.05.2020
Submission of paper documents: by 18.05.2020
Payment deadline (both EU and non-EU): by 06.09.2020
Information and registration:
Communiqué Uni.lu